
Muffin al farro e zucca | Farina di Farro Spelta
Spelt Flour is perfect for making a variety of sweet and savory recipes . Whether...
Pagnotte alla zucca e mais | Preparato per Pane Soffio di Mais
For 10 rolls of approximately 80 g each 1 pack of Soffio di Mais bread...
Cupcake al marshmallow | Arifa Farina Bio
Ingredients: for about a dozen Marshmallow Cupcakes 2 fresh eggs, medium 100 g of brown...
Pane Pugliese fatto in casa | Preparato per Pane Pugliese
Ingredients 1 Sachet of Ruggeri Farine Apulian bread mix 340 ml Warm water Preparation The...
Torta umida ricotta e caffè | Farina di Grano Tenero Macinata a Pietra
Ingredients: 120 g of Ruggeri soft wheat flour 120 g of ricotta 100 g of...
Pane ai 7 cereali
Recipe by Cooking Roxy With the 7 Cereal Bread Mix you can prepare a crunchy...