rustic focaccia with spelt and cherry tomatoes is not the usual focaccia. It is something truly delicious, like the
focaccias from the bakery , the ones that are tempting from the display case. After tasting the first bite, you will just have to take another slice! The
key ingredients of the dough are
Spelt Flour and Ruggeri
Stone-Ground Durum Wheat Semolina , two flours that give unique flavors and fragrances to your focaccias!
Ingredients for the dough
To season
- a handful of cherry tomatoes
- 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- a teaspoon of herbal salt
- oregano
Procedure for rustic spelt focaccia
Place the flours in a bowl and mix with the yeast. Make a hole in the center and pour in the sugar, salt and oil. Add the warm water a little at a time, knead by hand or with the help of a planetary mixer until everything is combined. Cover with a cloth and keep warm for 40 minutes. Once the dough has risen, oil a baking tray. Pour in the dough and spread it with your fingers, then prick it with a fork. Divide the tomatoes into 3-4 segments and distribute them on the schiacciata. Oil and salt. Sprinkle with oregano. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200°.