- 500 g of Ruggeri Farine pizza mix
- 320 ml of warm water
- 25 ml of sunflower oil
- About ten tomatoes
- 1 handful of pitted black olives
- Oregano to taste
- Chervil powder to taste
- Salt to taste

In the bowl of the mixer collect the flour and oil. Start kneading with the paddle attachment, at low speed adding the water little by little. Continue working until the dough is well combined.
Fit the hook and knead for about 10 minutes or until the dough appears smooth, elastic and has gathered around the hook, leaving the bowl perfectly clean. Form a ball, place inside a container and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size (about 1 hour and 30 minutes). After this time, turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and with your hands form a very long cylinder, about 50 cm and quite thin.

Twist it into a spiral shape and place it inside a 26 cm diameter springform pan lined with baking paper and greased with oil, forming a snail shape. Cover with a cloth and let rise for about 1 hour. You will notice that the edges of the dough will join together, filling all the available space. Brush the surface of the focaccia with olive oil.
Distribute the diced tomatoes and roughly chopped olives in the grooves that will have formed. Sprinkle with flaked salt, chervil and oregano. Bake in a static oven already heated to 200° for about 30-35 minutes.
recipe from http://www.dolciagogo.it/